Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Advertising Campaign Process

The Advertising Campaign Process

In past publications, we reviewed some concepts and examples of advertising campaigns. But what exactly is an advertising campaign? To dive deep into this topic let me recall the Advertising definition. According to Philip Kotler (considered the father of modern Marketing) “Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and services through mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor”.

An advertising campaign is part of the Marketing plan. This tool helps to better organize and plan the promotion of a product or service; and the way in which we will deliver the message to the market audience. It is a structured plan that would help you to advertise your product or service. The advertising campaign process is like a manual you have to review before to launch any ads.

To start this process, it is important to have a general idea about what do you want to accomplish with this campaign. Probably your first thought is increasing sales, and that is a good beginning, but most of the time sales will come naturally. One goal could be creating awareness on your buyer persona’s mind about your product/service. Maybe you want to connect with your current customers or offer something new to your loyal customers. Whichever the case, you must decide what do you want to achieve with this plan.

Take your time and reflect about any ideas you may have. Make notes if necessary. Then, start to analyze the steps of the advertising campaign.

Advertising campaign process/steps.

1.     Set your advertising budget. While it is not mandatory to start with this step, it will be crucial to have a general idea since the beginning. You do not want to spend time and effort planning and organizing something that will be time or money consuming.
One simple way to calculate the maximum allowable ad budget is taking 10 percent of your projected sales.
Another useful method is researching the advertisement used by your competitors. Even though this will require some time, it will give you a better idea of what your budget should be.
Remember, it is not money wasted, it is an investment.

2.     Define your objectives. What do you want to achieve, who will be your target audience, what makes you different from your competitors, what message do you want to communicate to your buyer personas? These are only a few questions you can ask yourself to start with. Defining your objectives for your ad campaign will be the foundation of your plan.
Consider time frame in this step. For example, convert leads to actual sales by 15% in two months.

Use the SMART criteria to help you with this stage.
  • Specific. Be clear and specific with the objectives you want to achieve with your advertising campaign.
  • Measurable. Have measurable goals. This will help you to track your progress.
  • Attainable/Achievable. Are your goals realistic? Be sure it is something you can do.
  • Relevant. Are your objectives relevant to the campaign?
  • Timely. Do you have deadlines? Is there any time restrictions you should consider before starting?

Ask yourself all time-related questions about your project before to plan your campaign.

3.     Evaluate and create the themes and any other resources and materials you will be using for the advertising campaign such as images, videos, and texts. What are you going to say, how you are going to say it? Are you stating your benefits? Chose colors and content and try to be consistent with every design you make.

4.     Determine what strategies and media channels you are going to use. You have to be sure about who your buyer personas are, how you are going to reach them and what you want to communicate. Your objectives and the information about your target audience will help you to take the appropriate decisions about the media channels and vehicles you will use to communicate the message.

Here is a list of some of the vehicles you can use:

*Magazines. There are usually a few local magazines that can be used if you want to reach your buyer personas.

*Newspapers. Do not overestimate the power of newspapers, especially when it comes to local ads.
Direct mail. You can use this source even if you do not have a mailing list. It is more likely to be a more effective method, compared to telemarketing or emails.

*Business cards. It is a good advertising vehicle especially if you have a new/small business. Do not include just your contact information; make sure you state the purpose of your business.

*Vehicle advertising. It is a very visual and mobile way to communicate your message.

*TV advertising. There are always local channels that can be used, besides the national ones.

*Radio advertising. If you know what radio stations your target audience listens, you can use this not so expensive media.

*Social media advertising and YouTube. Nowadays people spend many hours using their social media networks and watching YouTube videos. Why not take advantage of this? 

Keep in mind time frames for any media channel or vehicle you want to use. Always remember, any decision should be made thinking about the audience you want to reach.

5.     Execute your plan. Put your plan into action.

6.    Measure results. It is important to measure your plan results. You need to know if your efforts were effective and successful. You can compare how you were doing before the ad campaign and after you implement your plan.  

This post was created with the main purpose of giving you some information about the advertising process. However, it is important for you to research on your own about everything you are not sure about before launching your advertising campaign.

The following is a list of some other articles you may find useful for your informational purposes. These articles go into more depth about specific topics we reviewed.

  •  This video it is a summary of some of the concepts mentioned in this post. “Three Critical Steps You Must Complete Before Launching ANY Advertising Campaign.”

Monday, February 19, 2018


¡Bienvenidos al blog básicos para tu campaña publicitaria!

¿Por qué deberías seguir este blog? 

Cuando quieres atraer la atención de esa persona especial, por lo regular y sin darte cuenta utilizas publicidad. Usualmente tratas de mostrar lo mejor de ti. Vistes lo mejor posible, usas un vocabulario más apropiado y probablemente buscaras tener conversaciones interesantes. Todos estas demostraciones tienen como finalidad que la otra persona se sienta atraída hacia ti. 
La publicidad usa diferentes métodos y medios para buscar no solo atraer al posible comprador, sino generar la compra y tener como resultado un cliente leal. 

En las siguientes publicaciones podrás encontrar definiciones y otros conceptos básicos que te ayudaran a comprender mejor lo que es la publicidad. El objetivo principal de este blog es que con la información que obtengas seas capaz de elaborar una sencilla campaña publicitaria.

Puedes usar una campaña publicitaria si tienes un pequeño negocio y quieres implementar algo por ti mismo para atraer más clientes.
Seguramente encontraras valor en estas publicaciones si eres una persona que esta tratando de vender algo o simplemente tienes una presentación en la escuela y necesitas algunas ideas sobre como generar interés. 

Cualquiera que sea tu plan, espero que encuentres contenido útil para tus propósitos.

¡Gracias y nos vemos en la siguiente publicación!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

5 effective online advertising methods

In the past, advertising was mainly conducted using TV and radio commercials, flyers, ads in magazines, and newspapers or directories. 

Over time, advertising has been changing with the evolution of technology. This new era brought online advertising to our daily lives and with it new ways to advertise were born. We are constantly bombarded with messages all day long.

In order to be present, businesses and companies are using different methods to make them visible and keep up with new technologies.

The following are five of the most effective online methods that are more popular because of its results:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

It is optimizing your content in order to be part of the results in a search engine such as Google or Yahoo.  

  • Social networks

There is not a surprise this kind of advertising is getting more popular every day because of its simplicity and effectiveness. Businesses can pay for an ad on any social network and very often users will share it with others if they like it.

  • Videos
Platforms like YouTube or Vimeo are becoming widely used to advertise. It will deliver you a message that you can see, not just read. 

  • Blogs
It is an advertising method that marketers along with businesses can use to their advantage. You can search for the blogs that are related to your product or service and pay in order to get a review. 

  • Web banners
Although it seems kind of an old and annoying practice, it is still very commonly used. Different figures with a variety of sizes appear on your web pages while you are surfing. If you click them, they will take you to their website. 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Texas Advertising campaigns

We explored many advertising campaigns that are well-known around the globe. As a Texan, do you remember any ad that caught your attention? You probably do not have many examples in mind, so I set off on the task of researching Texas and Houston ads. 

Visit Houston

My jaw dropped when I saw this incredible video in 360. The video has different sections that explores each one of the most attractive sites in Houston. Each part is presented by a host that talks about the most interesting characteristics. This video is part of the Marketing campaign “Visit Houston” and was created with the purpose to get enough attention from viewers to trigger their desire to visit. After I saw the video, I wanted to visit all those places again!

Direct link to 360 complete video:

Gerald Daugherty ad

I do not want to create any controversy with political parties here, but I wanted to share an ad that caught my attention; a campaign launched to gain votes. This case is about Gerald Daugherty, who wanted to be reelected in Travis County, Austin. The video went viral and was a national topic due to the comical touch. And yes…he won the re-election. 

Don't mess with Texas

This is probably one of the most recognized ad campaigns for all Texans. In the late 1980’s, the Texas Department of Transportation was spending $20 million annually to pick up trash. The problem was getting worse so they decided to request a campaign to help with the issue; the rest is history. The campaign officially launched in 1986 during the television broadcast of the 50th annual Cotton Bowl, celebrated in Dallas, Texas. 

HEB Harvey Hurricane relief campaign 

After Hurricane Harvey, many companies and organizations joined forces to help those in need. HEB (Texas based supermarket chain) decided to help and they launched the ad “Disaster relief”. It was one of the videos with more viewers in the viral video chart, from AdAge. 

If you want to contribute to Harvey victims, or if you need help consider visiting Habitat for Humanity Northwest Harris County:


Moon by Orion Telescopes

This ad deserves to be mentioned, not just because it was created by the Advertising School: Texas Creative (University of Texas), but because it generated controversy due to the "Made in China" text found on the flag. 

Thank you Ecommerce Marketing for the suggestion! (I tried to keep it local) 

Visit their blog:

Campañas publicitarias de Texas

En publicaciones anteriores exploramos las campañas publicitarias más reconocidas mundialmente y también los peores fracasos. 

Esta edición está dedicada a las campañas publicitarias del estado de Texas. ¿Recuerdas algún anuncio que sea de Texas? Muy probablemente no tengas algún ejemplo en mente por varias razones, quizá por que vives en otro país principalmente.

A continuación verás algunas de las campañas publicitarias más reconocidas en el estado.

Los videos están en inglés, pero alcanzarás a percibir cuál es el objetivo de cada anuncio después de analizarlos.

Visita Houston (Visit Houston)

Quedé sorprendida al darme cuenta que existe un video en 360 que promociona el turismo hacia Houston. El video cuenta con diferentes secciones, cada una enfocada a los diferentes sitios turísticos más representativos de la ciudad. En cada subdivisión podrás observar una persona hablando acerca de lo más importante de dicha atracción.  El video es parte de la campaña publicitaria “Visita Houston” y fue creado con el propósito de interesar lo suficientemente a los turistas como para que visiten Houston.
Da click al link para que conozcas los atractivos de ésta gran ciudad en 360.

Link para ver el video completo:

Publicidad de Gerald Daugherty

Mi intención no es causar polémica con esta mención, pero llamó mi atención que el “sheriff” del condado de Travis (Austin, Texas) haya usado un anuncio con sentido del humor. Sin hacer mención de ningún partido político, se muestra la cara de desesperación de la esposa de Gerald, mientras él hace comentarios todo el tiempo de lo que puede cambiar si lo eligen como “sheriff” nuevamente.  El video se hizó viral en todo Estados Unidos en el año 2016. Su creatividad lo llevó a ganar la elección.

No te metas con Texas (Don’t mess with Texas)

Probablemente es una de las campañas más conocidas en el estado de Texas. Durante finales del año de 1980, el departamento de Transporte de Texas se dio cuenta del aumento en el gasto para recolectar la basura en todo el estado, sobretodo la que era desechada en las calles, avenidas y carreteras (gasto aproximado de $20 millones de dólares anuales). Ante ésta problematica, el gobierno Texano decidió solicitar una campaña publicitaria con la finalidad de concientizar a los ciudadanos a mejorar sus hábitos.
La campaña fue oficialmente lanzada en 1986 durante el programa especial de la 50a  edición del “Cotton Bowl” celebrada en Dallas, texas.

Campaña de ayuda de HEB (HEB relief campaign)

Después del paso del huracán Harvey por Houston, una gran cantidad de compañías y organizaciones unieron fuerzas para ayudar a aquellos que más lo necesitaban. HEB (Cadena de supermercados basada en Texas) decidió unirse a la causa y lanzó el anuncio “Disaster relief”. El video se volvió viral enseguida de ser promocionado.

Luna. Telescopios Orion (Moon. Orion Telescopes)

Éste anuncio merece ser mencionado no sólo por que fue creado por la escuela de publicidad de la Universidad de Texas (Texas Creative), pero también por que generó gran controversia (nótese la imagen en el acercamiento a la bandera).

Si tienes alguna pregunta o algo que quieras compartir, por favor deja tu comentario. 

Friday, February 2, 2018

Advertising Epic Fails

We have been reviewing some marketing and advertising concepts, statistics, and some of the best advertising campaigns of all times, but without a doubt, there is also value in studying campaign failures.
Regardless of the time and money invested, not every advertising campaign has been a success. Many have not been successful and others have even caused million dollar losses.

After some of these fiascos, some companies have had to apologize and redo their ads to recover.
These stories teach us an important lesson: spending lots of money or investing a lot of time in advertising does not necessarily mean more business and it doesn’t matter if you are the most recognized brand in the world.

It does not matter if you spend thousands on your ad campaign or if you are one of the most famous brands in the world, you are not exempt from making mistakes. Of course, advertising is only one aspect of a Marketing Campaign, but it is the one we will explore in this blog. As we will learn, effective advertising requires the delivery of the right message to the right people at the right time in the right way. The importance of planning and an understanding of the market cannot be overstated.

Skittles Kill People: Touch the Rainbow Campaign

In 2008, Skittles launched a Campaign that likened an individual to King Midas, where a man turned anything he touched into Skittles. He was plagued with the same burden as King Midas, but putting this character on a Brand of Candy resulted in an insensitive commercial. The character seems to be in a depressive spiral and states that he can’t hold his newborn grandson in his arms and that he accidentally killed a man on a bus, who he says “will never see his family again.” These are not typically the cheerful themes you would expect from a candy commercial. The commercial was clearly looking to be humorous, but it seemed to have missed the mark when it focused on the darker and more sinister aspect of the “Skittles Gift” which turned out to be more of a “Deadly Curse.”

Farewell to the King…Burger King That Is

The Burger King franchise launched an advertisement campaign that brought the Character of “Burger King” to life. The ads ran from 2003 to 2011. Feedback from these commercials was usually that it was creepy. It isn’t hard to see why some people felt uneasy about the Campaign of “Wake Up with the King.” The intention of the campaign was clearly to bring humor to the idea of waking up to eating breakfast at Burger King, but it probably brought the audience some anxiety at the thought of sharing their bed with a stranger who feeds them. The commercial was partially responsible for a decline in sales in 2011, the year when the campaign was officially terminated. 

The Beatles Yesterday and Today “Butcher” Album

The “Yesterday and Today” Beatles Album was originally shot with an eccentric theme of gore. It featured dismembered baby dolls with meat cuts around the area. It turned out to be the worst-selling album, even after the cover was reissued. This was a significant deviation from the band’s general theme, and they found out that introducing such a radical change did not sit well with fans who weren’t used to this type of themes.

Casa Sanchez Tattoos

Casa Sanchez Eatery launched a campaign where if a customer got a tattoo of the “Casa Sanchez Logo,” they could eat there for free for the rest of their lives. The owners did not expect there to be a huge response, but in a Wall Street Journal, Martha Sanchez, the co-owner, revealed that they had to implement several conditions otherwise they would have lost millions of dollars if they would have had to honor their offer.

The YouTube channel Good Mythical Morning has a nice compilation and review of the worst ad campaigns ever. You should take a look...

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Best Advertising Campaigns

Advertising is a part of our daily lives and it is involved in almost every activity. From the moment you wake up, you are brushing your teeth with the toothpaste that very possibly you saw in an ad as the best one. Later, chances are you will be eating a small breakfast. Whether you prepare your own meal or buy something, it will be food that includes brands that were exposed to you in the form of an advertisement.   

You might finish your day watching the news, listening to music, commenting on Facebook, or checking your homework on that phone that has revolutionized the world. I do not have to tell you what brand I am talking about because by now most of you already know. This is not just a great concept, but also a tremendous marketing plan and, of course, an outstanding advertising campaign.

Any situation you may think of is surrounded by this massive force named advertising. Most of your purchases are made because you have a general impression of what you should be buying according to all messages you were exposed to during the day.

In this post, I would like to present to you a list of the most successful advertising campaigns of all time.

Take your time, relax and enjoy!

Apple Macintosh. 1984 Super Bowl Ad
The ad starts with a group of people marching towards a room. People are watching a big screen while suddenly a woman appears running with a hammer in hand. She stops in front of the screen just to throw her hammer breaking the big screen.

Nike. Just do it

Nike won Reebok’s place with its worldwide known phrase “Just do it” in 1988. It is not just an advertising campaign; it’s a successful marketing campaign that knocked down its competitor.

The most interesting man in the world.

This ad was considered to be one of the best advertising campaigns according to many experts in the area. We can see a series of ads with a mature man telling us stories about his interesting adventures. You will never find a man like this.

Old Spice

Old Spice is an example of how social media helps to increase sales through social media engagement. The company developed a series of ads with the phrase: The man your man could smell like. As a curious note, these ads targeted the female population. 

Dove. Real beauty

The Dove Real Beauty ad campaign involved not just a brand, but a whole new concept of how beauty should look like. 

Super Bowl fan? Watch the 25 most influential super bowl ads of all time.

The Advertising Campaign Process

The Advertising Campaign Process In past publications, we reviewed some concepts and examples of advertising campaigns. But what exactl...